Rebecca Holloway
Senior Social Media Strategist
Rebecca is an award winning Senior Social Media Strategist who specialises in paid social media campaigns.
Last week part of the team took a trip to BrightonSEO to discover what's new in SEO. Read on to find out what we discovered.
On Friday 15th September, Iain, Anna and Rebecca traveled down to Brighton on the train to visit BrightonSEO, a conference which takes place twice a year on the seafront. We had a great day at the conference and all three of us learnt a lot from the speakers. Here’s our roundup from the day!
Don’t be disheartened when you create content. Remember that it’s not a straight forward pathway and there are many stages leading up to that point. Keep trying.
Telling it like it is: the road to great content is a tough one. Thanks @ShannonMcGuirk_@brightonseopic.twitter.com/is6cboioaU
— Iain G. Scott (@IainGScott) September 15, 2017
A few years ago the likes of Zoella would have been paid £50 per sponsored post to promote a product. Now influncers can be paid some serious money for posts on social media.
#InfluencerMarketing is VERY expensive #brightonseo pic.twitter.com/EYCBJ357eb
— Becca (@beccasocial) September 15, 2017
When you’re finding influencers, pay attention and look out for the following:
How to find your influencers: #InfluencerMarketing #brightonseo pic.twitter.com/kj47qNpAWF
— Becca (@beccasocial) September 15, 2017
Remember to make the best use out of chatbots!
A distinction I’ve been raving on about for ages! When you add AI to a chatbot, magic happens. Thanks @jay_seal #BrightonSEO pic.twitter.com/UNvue4r7jt
— Iain G. Scott (@IainGScott) September 15, 2017
Are you ready to utilise chatbots in your business. Used correctly they can be a great solution for customer service.
Chatbots powering customer service interactions? I agree. And not as hard as you think to create & launch. Thanks @EmReynaud #BrightonSeo pic.twitter.com/GOa4FU9RBY
— Iain G. Scott (@IainGScott) September 15, 2017
Make sure you’re certain on your choice. Make it intentional.
Make it intentional. But don’t think a 410 won’t be crawled again. @dawnieando #brightonSEO pic.twitter.com/IoEHvT8uzc
— Anna Corbett (@AnnaAppenzeller) September 15, 2017
A great point from Dominic Woodman on making sure your user journey is in tip top shape.
Matching up intent with templates and pages @dom_woodman #BrightonSEO pic.twitter.com/MdCg4nr0ri
— Anna Corbett (@AnnaAppenzeller) September 15, 2017
Use social listening to generate insights about your audience. Look for the conversations taking place which aren’t centre of attention.
Start listening ➡️ refine ➡️ categorise & filter ➡️ generate insights #sociallistening #brightonseo
— Becca (@beccasocial) September 15, 2017
When you want to start social listening, use the following tools:
Tools to use when starting #sociallistening #brightonseo pic.twitter.com/T5XrmhnA1i
— Becca (@beccasocial) September 15, 2017
Google can access your content via the following:
Crawling is no longer the best way to index the web! @Suzzicks #brightonSEO pic.twitter.com/G04hBJiUzc
— Anna Corbett (@AnnaAppenzeller) September 15, 2017
Trying to advertise? Think about the level of trust you’ll receive from your audience. Find an influencer to help you.
92% of consumers trust earned media above all forms of advertising #brightonseo #influencermarketing
— Becca (@beccasocial) September 15, 2017
That sums up our top picks from BrightonSEO. If you have any questions be sure to tweet us @Iaingscott, @AnnaAppenzeller, @beccasocial, and we’ll be happy to have a chat with you!
We’re already excited for next time!
Senior Social Media Strategist
Rebecca is an award winning Senior Social Media Strategist who specialises in paid social media campaigns.
View my other articles and opinion pieces below
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