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How to design a good homepage

Your homepage is one of the most important parts of your website’s design. Here’s how to design a good homepage, and the pitfalls to avoid.

When designing their website, some companies don’t give their homepage much thought. After all, shouldn’t it be the easiest page to design? You’ve got a blank slate – you can put anything and everything about your business on there. What could go wrong?

But bad website homepage design is everywhere – and it has a real impact. This article is going to equip you with some of the dos and don’ts when designing your website, or editing your current one. Here’s why good homepage design is important, some of the common mistakes companies make, and how to design a good homepage.

Bad homepage design

Here are some of the key mistakes companies make when designing their homepage. 

1. Don’t prioritise visuals over user experience

Never put aesthetics above functionality. Flashy visuals are appealing, but they shouldn’t impede user navigation. An excessively long homepage video, loading screen or animation can delay access to vital information. Website users are impatient – 53% of visits are abandoned if a mobile site takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Don’t make them wait.

2. Don’t overload visitors with information

Resist the urge to fill your homepage with excessive details. Remember, visitors might not even visit your homepage first. Search engine queries often direct them to specific pages, like service pages or articles. Present essential, concise information about your company, reserving the comprehensive details for relevant pages. You’ll be more convincing if you keep it brief.

3. Don’t misunderstand the role of the homepage

As we mentioned above, not all visitors start their journey on your homepage. Some might land on specific pages via search engines and then come back at a later date. Returning visitors are likely to land on your homepage but will need to easily navigate elsewhere, while first-time visitors need a brief overview and easy navigation rather than an overwhelming data dump.

Good homepage design

We’ve covered bad homepage design, but what does good homepage design look like?

1. A good homepage is clear and simple

A strong homepage design conveys your business’s purpose clearly without overwhelming visitors. Save detailed information for specific pages. Keep the layout clean and straightforward.

2. A good homepage is designed for multiple platforms

Ensure your homepage design is user-friendly on both phones and computers. A responsive, seamless experience across devices is vital for effective homepage design.

3. A good homepage has an appropriate Call to Action (CTA)

Tailor your CTA to the homepage content. Instead of a generic “contact us,” consider what your audience needs at this stage. It might be exploring services, signing up, or learning more about your offerings.

4. A good homepage is focused on its visitors needs – not your company’s

Centre your content on how your business benefits visitors. Focus on user experience through an intuitive layout and navigation. Emphasise what your business can do for clients rather than solely discussing your business.

5. A good homepage is easy to navigate from

Facilitate effortless exploration beyond the homepage. Don’t bog visitors down with information. Provide a strong introduction, guiding them to specific pages for more detailed insights.

Companies make mistakes with their homepage design all the time. That’s an opportunity for you to create a concise compelling website homepage design that will put your visitors first. Simplicity, clarity, and user-centricity are key.

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Abby Webb

Abby Webb

Head of Search & Content

Abby heads up our SEO and content campaigns, with a strong background in copywriting, content and paid search marketing.

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