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Google will delete your UA data on 1st July: Here’s everything you need to migrate to GA4

On 1st July, Universal Analytics will stop processing data. UA will be permanently replaced by Google’s new reporting platform, Google Analytics 4.  To help you prepare for this transition, we have compiled all of our GA4 information into one place, ranging from guides to FAQs and deep-dives into specific features including cookie-less tracking, API quotas […]

How to track your marketing campaigns using UTM parameters

This short guide will teach you how to track your marketing campaigns using UTM parameters.  Also referred to as a custom URL, a UTM tag is a customised snippet of text (called a parameter) that is added at the end of a website address. This UTM tag allows you to track and identify the traffic […]

How to design a good homepage

When designing their website, some companies don’t give their homepage much thought. After all, shouldn’t it be the easiest page to design? You’ve got a blank slate – you can put anything and everything about your business on there. What could go wrong? But bad website homepage design is everywhere – and it has a […]

Collecting the site data you need – not the site data you want

Collecting data is exciting. There’s a big buffet of data out there to choose from, with companies analysing everything from scroll speed to mouse movement. Finding new ways to learn about your site visitors is a great technical challenge. Okay, maybe that’s just me.  But whether you find it exciting or excruciating, collecting data on […]

The journey matters: how to drive more conversions by tracking where your site visitors come from

When it comes to site traffic, your visitors’ journeys are just as important as their destinations.  It’s great getting new visitors to your site. However, if you don’t understand how and why they got there, you’re missing half of the picture. Understanding your visitors’ journeys will help you optimise your site’s pages, attract more visitors […]

Improving access to support for people in crisis

Over 700,000 people die by suicide every year according to the World Health Organisation. For every death there are an estimated twenty attempted suicides. People in need require easy access to support – in their timezone and language – so that they can be listened to in confidence and without prejudice as soon as possible.  […]

GA4’s AI: Everything you need to know about artificial intelligence in Google Analytics 4

Stop someone on the street and ask them what they think when they hear “AI.” You’ll likely hear a few answers. ChatGPT. Automation. Computers taking over the human race.  Many conversations about AI are warped by preconceptions. These range from sci-fi ideas about AI capabilities, to limited understandings of AI’s use based on specific services.  […]

How first-hand client research helped to rebuild London Southend Airport’s website

Audience research and customer insight is a critical part of any successful digital marketing activity.  Last year, Base Creative undertook a project to rebuild London Southend Airport’s website to reflect its values and improve revenue generation.  To design the new website, it was vital that we first gain an exhaustive understanding of all of the […]

Your 2023: digital marketing in the year ahead

Our team recently discussed the changes and trends they expect our clients to experience this year across the worlds of search, social media, analytics and content marketing. I have compiled their insights here, along with the reasoning behind each prediction. Search Google’s criteria for judging search results underwent significant changes in late 2022, with huge […]

The small business guide to GA4’s new API quotas

On 10th November 2022, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) introduced some major changes with massive implications for other Google properties, particularly Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio). The GA4 team implemented API “quotas” – a PR friendly way of saying “limits” – on requests for Management and Reporting APIs.  API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and […]

How to use GA4 to tell what your audience is interested in

Whether you’re creating content for your site or just updating it, forming a strategy around your audience’s interests is easier said than done. You’ll likely have a vague version of your ideal audience in mind – their industry, their job titles – but what are they actually looking for when they arrive on your site?  […]