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Base Creative has achieved B Corp™ certification: So what?

Base Creative has achieved B Corp™ Certification!  It shows that we have met high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors ranging from sustainability and employee benefits to charitable giving and supply chain practices.  As a milestone, our certification underscores our commitment to leveraging our digital marketing expertise to have a positive impact […]

Improving access to support for people in crisis

Over 700,000 people die by suicide every year according to the World Health Organisation. For every death there are an estimated twenty attempted suicides. People in need require easy access to support – in their timezone and language – so that they can be listened to in confidence and without prejudice as soon as possible.  […]

How first-hand client research helped to rebuild London Southend Airport’s website

Audience research and customer insight is a critical part of any successful digital marketing activity.  Last year, Base Creative undertook a project to rebuild London Southend Airport’s website to reflect its values and improve revenue generation.  To design the new website, it was vital that we first gain an exhaustive understanding of all of the […]

Share the Love: How we ended 2022 on a high

In 2005 Base Creative launched the Work With Us Programme, providing pro-bono digital marketing services to one London-based charity every year. As our agency grew, so did the programme, becoming a budget set aside to provide pro-bono services to multiple charities, chosen based on our ability to have the greatest impact.  Since 2019 we have […]

Improving your ESG strategy: is perfect the enemy of good?

Agnostic thinking gets a bad rap. It’s seen as wish-washy, non-committal, even cowardly. Pick a side. Take a risk. Buy bitcoin. Cash out. Put it all on red. Live dangerously. Figure out what your principles are and don’t waver.    Positive agnostic thinking isn’t about avoiding decisions, however. It’s about freeing yourself from preconceptions that might be […]

5 questions you need to ask a prospective SEO agency

Getting to know an SEO agency before working with them is easier said than done. Knowing the right questions to ask, however, can ensure that you find the agency that fits your business needs. These 5 questions will help you get an insight into a prospective SEO agency, what your relationship with them should look […]

Iain Scott

Taking the lid off agency fees: Why Base Creative is publishing its pricing

Speaking with other marketing agency owners and directors, it’s understandable why publishing pricing feels uncomfortable. But it’s not just agency owners, it’s almost all professional services companies, from law firms to financial services. I want to explore the reasons why many companies are reluctant to share their fees or pricing publicly, and why your business […]

ICPA webinar

Case study: virtual client tea time

With more of us working from home, some traditional methods of keeping in touch with clients have gone, but not all is lost. There’s plenty you can do, like virtual tours, hosting webinars, sending pre-recorded personalised messages, or, something that we’ve enjoyed, client tea times. Last summer, we launched our client tea times to touch […]

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