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No, you shouldn’t use Threads for B2B marketing (yet)

Everyone is talking about Threads. After months of chaos and rule changes on Twitter, Meta’s new platform is promising the repackaged return of Twitter’s golden years.  Have a Twitter B2B marketing campaign sitting on the shelf that you haven’t had the chance to launch? This is a perfect opportunity to use it on Threads instead, […]

How to prevent Facebook rejecting your ads in the energy sector

Facebook Ads let you put your message in front of nearly 3 billion people. For some sectors, however, there are restrictions in place about the types of adverts that you can run and how. If you work in the energy sector, you’re more likely to run into some of these restrictions than other businesses. That […]

Finding stories to tell in your sector

There’s always a story. It’s all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything’s got a story in it. Terry pratchett ​​Two fish are swimming in the sea.  “Water’s warm today,” says one. The other looks confused.  “What’s water?”  It can be hard to notice something when you’re surrounded by it.  […]

How to use (& not to use) Google Ads’ generative AI

AI has taken the world of digital marketing by storm. We’ve seen AI being used in Google Analytics, it’s changing the way we approach content marketing and what we post on social media. Now, it’s the turn of Google Ads. The platform already includes a range of AI features and, at Google Marketing Live, recently […]

Google Ads AI article card

Improving access to support for people in crisis

Over 700,000 people die by suicide every year according to the World Health Organisation. For every death there are an estimated twenty attempted suicides. People in need require easy access to support – in their timezone and language – so that they can be listened to in confidence and without prejudice as soon as possible.  […]

GA4’s AI: Everything you need to know about artificial intelligence in Google Analytics 4

Stop someone on the street and ask them what they think when they hear “AI.” You’ll likely hear a few answers. ChatGPT. Automation. Computers taking over the human race.  Many conversations about AI are warped by preconceptions. These range from sci-fi ideas about AI capabilities, to limited understandings of AI’s use based on specific services.  […]

How first-hand client research helped to rebuild London Southend Airport’s website

Audience research and customer insight is a critical part of any successful digital marketing activity.  Last year, Base Creative undertook a project to rebuild London Southend Airport’s website to reflect its values and improve revenue generation.  To design the new website, it was vital that we first gain an exhaustive understanding of all of the […]

How Base Creative is making team wellbeing actionable & measurable

At the end of last year we set ourselves the challenge of finding and implementing a new team wellbeing initiative that would give us measurable results. For the last three months, our team has had access to mental health check-ins, advice, and therapy sessions whenever they need them.  Here’s why we made this change and […]

TikTok SEO part 2: Starting your strategy

TikTok is an awareness-raising powerhouse, perfect for promoting ESG, supercharging your recruitment and much more. Many B2Bs are looking to take advantage of TikTok’s power. They just need to know how. In part 1 of this series, you learned why B2Bs need a TikTok strategy. In part 2, you will learn about the Search Engine […]

How simple storytelling can help your marketing evolve

We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories. Jonathan Gottschall, The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human Mike was on the cusp of a breakthrough which would kickstart his meteoric rise from underdog to alpha male. All it […]

TikTok SEO part 1: Why B2Bs need a TikTok SEO strategy 

Two years ago, TikTok began emerging as one of the most important social media platforms. The tide was just beginning to turn. Ads were newly introduced, and businesses were starting to see the potential of TikTok.  Now, TikTok SEO presents businesses with an opportunity to take their organic content to the next level.   Not only […]